Published illustrations and decorative designs
This gallery contains a selection of illustrations and decorative designs.
The illustration clients are book publishers. The patterns and designs are for companies in Norway and Japan that produce various goods. Read my story.
Books, wisdom cards, and art calendars illustrated for publishers.
“Ausmalkalender 2019. Mal Dir Dein Jahr bunt!”
(“Coloring Calendar 2019. Paint your Year Colorful!).
Kuhlman & Sobek, Germany.
"Fargelegg ditt år! Kalender 2017" and "Fargelegg!" (Color Your Year!), coloring calendar, and greeting cards.
Cappelen Damm/ Energica/ Hobbyklubben. Norway.
11.000 copies sold.
"Hellige landskap 2011" (Sacred Landscapes), art calendar.
Cappelen Damm/ Energica, Norway.
7000 copies sold.
“Mayakalender 2010" & "Mayakalender 2011", art calendar.
Cappelen Damm/ Energica, Norway.
Forma Books/ Livsenergi, Sweden.
21.000 copies sold.
"Gjemt men ikke glemt", text book.
Cappelen Damm Undervisning, Norway.
"Leselyst på ditt og mitt språk", traditional Norwegian fairy tales, translated into 12 languages for learning Norwegian.
Famileforlaget, Norway.
“Det hemmelige eventyret”, modern fairy tale
Manus Forlag, Norway.
“Messages from the Wee Folk”, a book with wisdom cards
Windpferd Verlag, Germany.
AGM Müller, Switzerland.
“Møt Amina” 1 - 2, text books
Fagbokforlaget, Norway.
“Cumulus” 1 - 4, text books
Aschehoug Forlag, Norway.
“New Flight” & "New Flight Extra", 1 - 12. Text book series with workbooks.
Cappelen Damm Undervisning, Norway.
“Teen-Angels”, wisdom cards
Findhorn Press, UK.
Author: Diana Cooper, international bestselling author
“Skrinet med det rare i”, traditional Norwegian fairy tales
Damm, Norway.
“Wisdom of the Four Winds”, book with wisdom cards
Stone Print Press. New Zealand.
Author: Barry Brailsford, bestselling author
Kamasha Verlag, Germany.
Kuhlman & Sobek, Germany.
Now a classic with several reprints since first published in 1999.