Butterflies & Bugs

How to draw and watercolor colorful butterflies and bugs. Combining watercolor & colored pencils for stunning results. Free outline drawings.

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Colored Pencils Art Ideas: Jewel Beetle Tutorial

Colored Pencils Art Ideas: Jewel Beetle Tutorial

Sparkly jewel beetle step-by-step tutorial, using unique colored pencils technique. Draw on plain watercolor base, use white gouache for shine.

How to Use Watercolor Pencils: Colorful Butterfly

How to Use Watercolor Pencils: Colorful Butterfly

A colorful butterfly is excellent for learning how to use watercolor pencils. The tutorial also shares insights on improving the process.

How to Draw & Watercolor Four Colorful Butterflies  Post feature image

How to Draw & Watercolor Four Colorful Butterflies

How to draw and watercolor butterflies. Full process from drawing to colorful butterfly, 4 different butterflies. Free PDF outline drawings.

Calm with Coloring: How to Find a Beautiful Color Theme

How to Find a Beautiful Color Palette for Coloring

Find a creative color theme for your coloring page. There are no shortages of sources to set you off in a beautiful direction. Learn how.

Vintage Beetles and Colorful Butterflies  Post feature image

Vintage Beetles and Colorful Butterflies

A bold, graphic line illustration and photos of nature's brush strokes on butterflies and beetles.