How many times have you told yourself that you want to meditate but you just can’t find the time? Your daily routine is already set, too many responsibilities…it feels more stressful than relaxing to try to fit it in?
Meditation is a tool for relaxation but it is also so much more. It’s a way to get in touch with our innermost feelings and look them straight in the face. When necessary, transform them into positivity.
Through sustained efforts to focus on positivity in meditation, we gradually shift our minds to become a repository for joy and creativity. We spend more time being productive and at ease, and less time on what drags us down. To me, that’s a real timesaver. (The article continues under the picture).

How meditation works
Think of your mind as an ocean full of waves. Thought-waves. In your effort to still the mind in meditation, you will see more of what lies underneath in the depth of that ocean. Emotions and negative patterns are floating in the shallow depths. The deeper you go, the more beauty you will find. Eventually, you will find inner treasures that nothing in the external world can compare. This sense of contact with a deeper, beautiful self is at the root of lasting, inner peace.
Yes, meditation is a time-saving device
Most human beings waste a lot of time in conflict with self, others, or life itself. Meditation provides a sense of inner peace and purpose. You will be more relaxed and build resilience to tackle life’s challenges with an inner calm and strength, able to face what holds you back and muddies the waters. You will get to know the person you truly are: your best traits, strengths, and purpose in life.
There are many kinds of effective meditation practices on offer these days. No matter what kind of meditation practice, it has a wonderfully positive effect on people’s lives.
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