How to Paint a Sparkling Red Parrot with Watercolor & Gold

If you enjoy creating colorful watercolor paintings, look no further than parrots. Crimson Rosella parrots brighten gardens and mountain forests "down under" in Australia and New Zealand. This tutorial will make it shine and sparkle even more with watercolor gold.

The Crimson Rosella parrot is shy and not talkative like most parrots. Humming to a tune is more its thing. Yet it makes a lovely pet with beautiful bright red and blue plumage.

Let´s get on with painting and decorating this pretty bird.

Crimson Rosella parrot refrence photo.
Photo by David Cook via Flickr/ creative Commons

Step 1: Draw the parrot

Draw a loose sketch of the parrot. Pay attention to angles and negative space. Negative space is the shape of an area you don´t draw.

Srtarting to sketch the parrot, demonstrating negative space.
The finished sketch of the red parrot.

Step 2: Transfer the drawing to watercolor paper

Draw a clean outline of the parrot on transfer paper.

Tracing a clean outline over a messy sketch.

If you have a LED light tracing pad, put the watercolor paper over the outline and trace again.

Tracing my outline drawing using a LED light tracing pad.
The tracing of the parrot outline drawing on the watercolor paper.

You can trace my drawing. Download from the Level Up library. As a Level Up member, you also get a process video for this tutorial.

The free One Tree Art Club library has a big collection of outline drawings for watercolor tutorials on this site. (Already a free member? Go here).

Step 3: Watercolor colorful feathers and more

We are going to use watercolor gold paint creatively as decoration. The gold will dominate the painting. Therefore, you can paint a pretty flat coat of colors.

Dip your brush in water. Paint with just enough water to spread the color nicely. First, paint the red feathers. Let it dry. Then blue, and let it dry. Lastly, the black feathers and eye, and the faint yellow beak.

Painting the parror with red watercolor.
Painting the parrot feathers with blue watercolors.
Painting the last feathers with black watercolor.

The stone requires a generous amount of water. Let brown and black blend. Soak up the edges with a sponge.

You can spice it up with colored pencils. But this step is not necessary.

The watercolor parrot with colored pencils highlights.

Step 4: Decorate with watercolor gold paint

I have a tutorial on how to mix watercolor gold. It requires gold powder, Gum Arabic, and water. Nothing more. You can also purchase readymade watercolor gold. Find the ingredients for mixing here.

Mixing watercolor gold to use in the painting.

Use a fine, thin brush to paint with gold. Experiment first on a separate piece of paper. Test how to paint nice, clean lines. It requires the right consistency of the gold paste and the right amount of water.

To keep a pointed brush, twist the hairs after cleaning with water. You may need to do this more than once as you paint.

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Decorating the parrot with watercolor gold.

Let your imagination lead the brush. Forget about making a look-alike parrot. This is a decorative piece of art. Have fun and see what happens!

To finish off, I added a few white dots and colored pencils. I tidied up by drawing a thin, black outline around the figure.

The completed red parrot watercolor decorated with gold paint.

Happy painting!

To watch the video below, become a One Tree Art Club LEVEL UP member. Paint along with me. As a Level Up member, you can also download line art for all the tutorials on this website.

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